Spatial data sets on the cultural environment
The sites of the data sets of the cultural environment have usually also been geocoded on the map either as points corresponding to locations or as bordered areas. These points and bordered areas, i.e. the spatial data of the sites, can be viewed on the target pages of the Cultural environment service portal as well as via the map application related to the service portal. Downloading of the vector-based spatial data is possible as per the instructions below.
The descriptions of the spatial data sets and services can be read from the Geoportal of the National Land Survey of Finland.
The spatial data of the Finnish Heritage Agency have been published under the Creative Commons CC By 4.0 licence.
The spatial data sets can be used with applications reading spatial data (WMS and WFS) interfaces .
The interfaces offer spatial data concerning protected cultural environment sites whose information are maintained in the registers of the Finnish Heritage Agency.
Viewing service WMS, protected sites:
Direct access service WFS, protected sites:
Viewing service WMS, Data sets accordant with the INSPIRE directive :
File download
The data set can also be downloaded as a file through the links below. Clicking a link will open a Zip archive containing all the data sets on Finland in a gpkg file format (GeoPackage).
This information product contains the spatial data of the protected sites of the Finnish Heritage Agency’s Antiquities record, the built cultural environment sites relating to the national spatial planning objectives, and the spatial data of the protected buildings contained in the Finnish Heritage Agency’s built heritage register. The built heritage register data sets include the buildings protected by specific laws (Decree 480/85, the Church Act, the Act on the Orthodox Church, railway contract 1998). The Finnish Heritage Agency’s information product does not contain sites protected by the law on the protection of building heritage (or the old Act on the Protection of Buildings) or buildings or areas protected by land-use plans. Note! The data relating to any buildings protected by the Act on the Protection of Buildings must be requested either from the Centre for Economic Development of the area in question or the Finnish Environment Institute. The data concerning the buildings protected by land-use plans are available from the party who drafted the land-use plan (municipality or region).
This information product consists of the spatial data sets contained in the register portal of the cultural environment: The sites of the Antiquities record (also other ancient monument sites in addition to the protected ancient monuments), the built cultural environment sites relating to the national spatial planning objectives, the built cultural environment sites 1993, world heritage sites, the buildings contained in the built heritage register which are protected by specific laws (Decree 480/85, the Church Act, the Act on the Orthodox Church, railway contract 1998), the sites stored in the built heritage register which have been processed officially but have not been protected. The information product does not contain sites protected by the law on the protection of building heritage (or the old Act on the Protection of Buildings) or buildings or areas protected by land-use plans.
Spatial data sets on protected sites accordant with the INSPIRE directive
The INSPIRE directive obligates officials to offer spatial data sets on key information resources in the form of a common European data model. The address of the WMS interface is presented below as well as three download packages (zip) on the spatial data sets maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency and covered by the INSPIRE directive.
Protected built heritage (INSPIRE)
This data set is accordant with the protected areas information product specification of the INSPIRE directive. The data set includes the buildings protected by specific laws (Decree 480/85, the Church Act, the Act on the Orthodox Church, railway contract 1998). The INSPIRE information product of the Finnish Heritage Agency does not contain sites protected by the law on the protection of building heritage (or the old Act on the Protection of Buildings) or buildings or areas protected by land-use plans. Note! Also the other Finnish Heritage Agency’s INSPIRE materials are included in the downloadable Zip package. Ancient monuments (INSPIRE)
This data set is accordant with the protected areas information product specification of the INSPIRE directive. The data set contains ancient monuments protected under the Antiquities Act. Note! Also the other Finnish Heritage Agency’s INSPIRE materials are included in the downloadable Zip package.
RKY - Nationally significant built cultural environments (INSPIRE)
This data set is accordant with the protected areas information product specification of the INSPIRE directive. The materials include the built cultural environment sites included in the national spatial planning objectives. Note! Also the other Finnish Heritage Agency’s INSPIRE materials are included in the downloadable Zip package.
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