Materials and information systems of the cultural environment
The Finnish Heritage Agency stores information on cultural environments and their protection. The register of archaeological sites forms the largest data set, but information is also stored on built environments, world heritage sites and on e.g. archaeological projects. The best way to explore the information is via the Cultural environment service window. The service window also contains archive materials related to the cultural environment.
Explore the Cultural environment service portal
In the Cultural environment service portal, https://www.kyppi.fi, it is possible to explore the materials maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency related to e.g. protected archaeological sites and other archaeological sites, buildings and built environment. Additionally, the service portal contains information resources on activities related to the cultural environment. Also, some of the data of the archives of the Finnish Heritage Agency related to the cultural environment is accessible via the Cultural environment service portal.
The service portal also contains a map application through which it is possible to search and view the location of the sites on the map. The map application can also be accessed directly from https://kartta.museoverkko.fi.
The Museum Network is an extranet service of museums and works as a distribution channel of the data sets contained by the information system for officials and institutions responsible for safeguarding and studying the cultural environment. Museums and the other actors of the cultural heritage field are able to view and edit the registers of the information system via the Museum Network. A user agreement is required for the use of the Museum Network. Questions relating to the use of the Museum Network can be sent by e-mail to paikkatieto@nba.fi.