Local Museums
Local museums support and promote citizens’ own interest and activity in preserving shared cultural heritage and the cultural environment.
Finland has approximately 1,000 local museum sites and collections
maintained by associations, foundations, municipalities, companies and private
individuals, among others, including museums focusing on local culture, museums
focusing on the histories of specific individuals, art museums and various
specialty museums. Local museums are primarily maintained on a part-time and
voluntary basis.
Local museums are equal providers of local cultural services that offer
experiences, promote a sense of community, provide information and organise
activities. They also serve as educational environments, employers, service
providers, cultural tourist sites and as experts and venues for volunteer work
and other citizen participation.
The Finnish Heritage Agency supports the projects of local museums by awarding grants and engaging in cooperation with regional museums. The Finnish Heritage Agency also conducts a national statistical survey of local museums and public collections every five years.
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