Museum Statistics
Every year, the Finnish Heritage Agency collects statistical data on the finances, personnel and operations of Finland’s professionally managed museums. The statistics are based on information provided by the museums in the annual statistics survey. The aim of the museum statistics is to provide an accurate overview of the operations of Finland’s professionally managed museums.
Since 2007, the responses to the statistical survey have also been published on the Museotilasto.fi website, where they are accessible to everyone and searchable without login requirements. Using the statistics search, the survey responses can be examined by museum, by question or by survey. The responses can also be downloaded as Excel files.
The annually compiled tables based on the statistics and the data searchable through the statistics search are licensed under an open CC BY 4.0 license.
The museum statistics are utilised in Statistics Finland’s culture statistics, the visual arts statistics compiled by Frame and in the publications and online services of the EGMUS (European Group on Museum Statistics) group.
Museum Statistics online service: www.museotilasto.fi