Sauna Culture in Finland
The sauna culture is the first Finnish element on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Finland ratified the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. In Finland, the Finnish Heritage Agency is responsible for the implementation of the Convention.
Press releases on the UNESCO nomination in different languages
Finnish Heritage Agency
- Saunaperinne Suomesta valittiin Unescon aineettoman kulttuuriperinnön luetteloon
- Bastutraditionen från Finland valdes till Unescos lista över immateriella kulturarv
- The sauna culture from Finland has been inscribed on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Ministry of Education and Culture
- Saunaperinne Suomesta valittiin Unescon aineettoman kulttuuriperinnön luetteloon
- Bastutraditionen i Finland valdes till Unescos lista över det immateriella kulturarvet
- Finland’s sauna culture inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List
- Sávdneárbevierru Suomas válljejuvvui Unesco immateriála kulturárbbi logahallamii Die finnische Saunatradition wurde in das Verzeichnis des immateriellen UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen
- La tradition du sauna finlandais a été inscrite au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Unesco.
- フィンランド式サウナの伝統がユネスコ無形文化遺産の代表一覧表への登録を決定
- Традиции финской сауны выбраны для включения в список объектов нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО
Sauna culture in Finland – video for UNESCO
More information
Intangible cultural heritage
- UNESCO lists of intangible cultural heritage
- Saunabathing in the the Wiki-inventory for Living Heritage
- More information about intangible cultural heritage in Finland
- Brochure: Saunaculture in Finland
Sauna tradition
Ask us more!
- Mirva Mattila, Ministry of Education and Culture
mirva.mattila@minedu.fi, tel. +358 2953 30269 - Leena Marsio, Finnish Heritage Agency
leena.marsio@museovirasto.fi, tel. +358 2953 36017 - Ritva Ohmeroluoma, Finnish Sauna Society
ritvaohmeroluoma@gmail.com. tel. +358 400 109 021