Quality instructions on archaeological fieldwork
The Finnish Heritage Agency in cooperation with other operators in the field of archaeology has drawn up quality instructions on archaeological fieldwork in Finland. The purpose of these instructions is to make the archaeological fieldwork practices more uniform across the board.
The quality instructions define the roles, tasks and responsibilities of the operators in the archaeology sector. The most important operators include those who conduct fieldwork, the authorities, and operators running land-use and construction projects.
The instructions make it easier to compare fieldwork operations and their results and to assess quality. The Finnish Heritage Agency is responsible for keeping the quality instructions updated. The instructions are updated based on the feedback from users and the follow-up group. The follow-up group members include representatives of various stakeholders, i.e. universities, scientific associations, provincial museums, Metsähallitus and an association representing the sector’s independent operators.
The aim is for all parties to acknowledge these quality instructions in their operations. The quality instructions specify the requirements that the Finnish Heritage Agency sets in order to grant research permits and evaluate fieldwork. Ultimately, all the sector’s operators share the responsibility for creating and following a shared set of rules regarding archaeological fieldwork.
The quality instructions were implemented in April 2013. They were updated in 2014 and 2016.
You can ask questions and give feedback at laatuarkeologia@museovirasto.fi.
Suomen arkeologisten kenttätöiden laatuohjeet (‘Quality instructions on archaeological field work in Finland’, in Finnish, updated April 8th 2020)
In addition, the Finnish Heritage Agency has drawn up instructions on the compilation of inventories on historical-era entities, and these instructions complement the quality instructions, adding more detail:
Maaseudun historiallisten asuinpaikkojen inventointi – ohje 2015 (‘Making an inventory of historical rural habitats – instructions 2015’, in Finnish)
The instructions are intended for the authorities and inventory compilers. The purpose of the instructions is to clarify and unify the practices used to define, mark off and name historical rural dwelling sites.
Vanhat kartat ja arkeologinen inventointi: autioitunut asutus isoajakoa vanhemmilla kartoilla (‘Old maps and archaeological inventories: deserted settlements on maps older than the Great Partition’, in Finnish)
An attachment to the inventory instructions which describes with examples how desertion is manifested on maps older than the Great Partition.
Ensimmäisen maailmansodan linnoitteet – ohje 2015 (‘The First World War fortifications – instructions 2015’, in Finnish)
The instructions are intended for the authorities and inventory compilers. The purpose of the instructions is to clarify and unify the practices used to protect, define, mark off and name land fortifications from World War I.
Historialliset tiet – ohje 2017 (‘Historical roads – instructions 2017’, in Finnish)
The aim of the instructions is to clarify and unify the practices regarding the protection of historical roads. The instructions are intended for both authorities and inventory compilers.