Kamera-magazine articles 2023

Kamera 1/2023
Early 20th century Helsinki in photographs
Artur Faltin used his camera to capture scenes of everyday life in factories, hospitals, construction sites, offices, shops and schools.

Kamera 2/2023
In January 1952, press photographer Räshid “Nasa” Nasretdin visited Alvar Aalto’s architectural studio to capture the professionals at work and to shoot some behind-the-scenes images too.

Kamera 3/2023
István Rácz (1908–1998) – a camera on the move
Hungarian-born photographer István Rácz led a colourful life, capturing everything from everyday moments to high art, in Finland and across Europe.

Kamera 5/2023
New perspectives by U T Sirelius
A distinguished ethnologist, Sirelius travelled extensively in Finland and related regions.

Kamera 6/2023
Photographic evidence of famine engulfing the Soviet Union moved the public to donate.