Articles in Kamera magazine 2022

Kamera 3/2022
In autumn 1958, young José-Antonio Laisaari Vicente arrives in Helsinki from Spain. Being penniless, he is forced to sleep in a park, but he manages to contact the office of Apu magazine.

Kamera 5/2022
‘Have your picture taken in good company’
Multigraph portraits: a style of studio photography.

Kamera 7/2022
An end to an argument over a statue
Press photographer Hugo Sundström recorded news images of the past for future generations.

Kamera 8/2022
Petsamon Nikkeli’s mine and Kolosjoki’s mining community were captured on film by Niilo Tuura.

Kamera 9/2022
´I am eternally fascinated by people and capture them in my street photographs.´