Articles in Kamera magazine 2018
Kamera 1/2018
Border photography from the Gulf of Finland to the Arctic Ocean
Uuno Peltoniemi photographed life in the border region in the 1930s and 1940s.
Kamera 2/2018
Pictures from the Finnish Civil War of 1918 served as documentaries – and ideological tools.
Kamera 3/2018
A presidential election à la America
Helge Heinonen photographed the 1964 United States presidential election.
Kamera 4-5/2018
The two female photographers of Itä-Häme were a notable exception at the time.
Kamera 6/2018
The newspaper photographs of Uusi Suomi depict a Helsinki in the midst of transformation.
Kamera 7/2018
Through the eyes of an ethnologist
Eino Nikkilä photographed the Finnish countryside in the 1920s–1940s.
Kamera 8/2018
There is nothing more beautiful in London in 1969 than friendship and love.
Kamera 9/2018
The news photo that does not exist
90-year-old Mauri Vuorinen photographed presidents.
Kamera 10-11/2018
Wartime excursions to the song lands of the Kalevala
Väinö Kaukonen photographed the poetry singing villages of Viena Karelia.

A boy who came to see a bus, standing on a fence in Suomussalmi in 1939. Photo: Uuno Peltoniemi / Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency (KK5575:1237)

An amphibious car in the Jyränkö stream in Heinola on 6 July 1963. The Amphicar boasted a top speed of 14 km/h in water and 100 km/h on the road. The people on board remained perfectly dry. Photo: Itä-Häme / JOKA / Finnish Heritage Agency (JOKAIH2J04:1)