Articles in Kamera magazine 2015

Kamera 1/2015

Light up the underpants

Relaxing music is always playing at the studio of the fashion photographer Kari Pulkkinen.

Kamera 2/2015

Tyyni Vahter photographed women's work

What good is a pasty with neither a crust nor filling?

Kamera 3-4/2015

Coloured daguerreotypes

Red has been added on the cheeks of the people in daguerreotypes from the 1800s.

Kamera 5/2015

True lies

The ‘Todelliset valheet’ (True lies) exhibition presented the 1970s underground.

Kamera 6-7/2015

Kotka Maritime Festival 30 years ago

Breakdance and Dingo attracted an audience in 1985.

Kamera 8/2015

Three sweltering days in Helsinki

In 1975, press photographers in Helsinki were kept busy by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE).

Kamera 9/2015

Personal studies on the pioneers of colour photography

Essi Renvall had her picture taken at Kuvasiskot in the early 1960s.

Kamera 10/2015

The magic colours from a hundred years ago

The colourful autochromes by Reino Pietinen are windows into the early 1900s.

Kamera 11-12/2015

Leaving for a new beginning

Pekka Kyytinen photographed the travel of Karelian evacuees in the 1940s.

Jewellery. Model: Sirpa Suosmaa, 1977. Photo: Kari Pulkkinen / Press Photo Archive JOKA / Finnish Heritage Agency

Jewellery. Model Sirpa Suosmaa, 1977. Photo: Kari Pulkkinen / Press Photo Archive JOKA / The Finnish Heritage Agency (JOKAKP10_01Muo:10)

Helka, sister of Reino Pietinen, among a profusion of flowers. Photo: Reino Pietinen / Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency

Helka, sister of photographer Reino Pietinen, among a profusion of flowers. Photo: Reino Pietinen / The Picture Collections of Finnish Heritage Agency (HK19670603:53475)