Articles in Kamera magazine 2014
Kamera 2/2014
Foreign Minister Väinö Tanner and the terms of peace for the Winter War
In the first part of the article series, we take a peek into the collection of the photographic studio Pietinen.
Kamera 3-4/2014
The landscape captures attention
Erkki Mikkola photographed landscape panoramas during the early 1900s.
Kamera 5/2014
Pauli Jänis photographed Mesikkä, the pet bear of Major General Raappana.
Kamera 6-7/2014
Lifestyle entrepreneur Johan Venninen
The construction project by the blind Johan Venninen was recorded in photographs from the 1950s.
Kamera 8/2014
Goodbyes at the start of World War I
A. O. Väisänen recorded the start of World War I in Russia with his camera.
Kamera 9/2014
Atomic train on its way to the east
The first shipment of spent nuclear fuel left for the Soviet Union 33 years ago.
Kamera 10-11/2014
A view into the wilds of Siberia
Kai Donner travelled to Siberia and photographed the lives of the locals with a roll film camera.
Kamera 12/2014
Photographer Teuvo Kanerva takes you on a tour of everyday life in the 1960s.

Mesikkä, the pet bear of Major General Raappana. Photo: Pauli Jänis / The Picture Collections of Finnish Heritage Agency (HK7744:408)

Childhood friends say goodbye before going to war, Vechkanovo, Buruguslansky District, Mordovia 1914. Photo: A. O. Väisänen / The Picture Collections of Finnish Heritage Agency (SUK119:115)