Photographic services price list

The Finnish Heritage Agency will charge a digitising/delivery fee for the delivered photographs. Separate publication fees will only be charged in special cases. Upon the customer’s order, the Finnish Heritage Agency will publish the digitised images to online services according to its own schedule and make them available for public use, if there are no restrictions related to publishing/using the photographs.

Price list for photographic services (VAT excluded)

Incl. VAT 24 %

Includes the necessary digitising and/or digital recording
delivery through a download service, 300 ppi, RGB, TIFF
Up until size A3/A2 (the largest size from a camera)35,00

The digitisation costs of ciné film and similar moving pictures are determined on a case-by-case basis.


Extensive image searches and information service requiring special actions

The first half hour is free of charge.

Hourly charge for searching information, even if the requested information
cannot be found, minimum fee half an hour.

For every starting half hour after the initial free period.

Photography fee

Photography by Picture Collections’ photographers, hourly rate
Minimum fee half an hour49,00
This price will be charged when the collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency are photographed upon the customer’s request while taking into account the customer’s special requirements. The delivery fee of the digital recording (300 ppi, RGB, TIFF) will be added to the price, €20,00 per photograph (including VAT).

Storage of image files

Thumb drive 15,00

Publication fees are image-specific and are only charged in certain, separately defined special cases. The publication fee also allows using the photograph commercially in the different versions of a single product and unaltered reprints thereof for the purpose defined in the order. In online use, the images must be presented in a reduced size.
Publication fee 70,00
A publication fee for advertising and marketing purposes will be determined case-by-case; fees for e.g. magazine adverts starting from 210,00
Publication fees for ciné film and other moving pictures, starting minute per recording

Terms of service
Delivery times and fees

The maximum delivery time is 8 working days for an order of 1-15 photographs, 14 working days for an order of 16-30 photographs and by agreement for larger orders.

Delivery times of item photography based on a separate agreement.

When order has more than ten pictures, there is a 10 % discount from the full price before taxes.

Orders under €30.00 are subject to an additional invoicing charge of €10,00 (inc. VAT).

Postage and packing fees according to actual cost, minimum €3,00.

Terms of use related to the images

The customer is responsible for ensuring copyrights and the protection of privacy. Using portraits in marketing and advertising is prohibited without permission from the people pictured.

The customer is responsible for photo editing in accordance with the image’s purpose of use. Any changes or modifications to the image must be mentioned in accordance with good practices when using the image. The names of the author and/or photographer, the sub-collection and spe-cial collection, the main collection and the owner must be mentioned in connection to the image, if they are known.

The Finnish Heritage Agency aims to ensure the correctness of the data it publishes. However, the image data may have some deficiencies and errors. In you observe an error, please contact the customer services of the Picture Collections. When publishing images and information, the customer is responsible for ensuring their correctness.

Photographs taken personally with a photography permit may be used in theses free of charge, if no other restrictions are related to them.

Please provide the Finnish Heritage Agency’s library with a complimentary copy of the printed publication in which the image has been used.