Uusi Suomi – Iltalehti
Uusi Suomi was published from 1919 to 1991. It was one of the key newspapers in Finland and the organ of the political party Kokoomus until 1976, after which it was profiled as an independent non-socialist newspaper. The publication of Uusi Suomi was discontinued as unprofitable in 1991, after which its afternoon version Iltalehti was continued.
The photography collection of Uusi Suomi includes the 20th century political news, events and people especially in the Helsinki region. There are also plenty of pictures of state administration, industrial life, and the local politics of Helsinki. Cultural life, especially theatre, film, and arts and crafts are stored in the collection as well. There are also plenty of pictures of sports. The Iltalehti collection features entertainment, news and sports from the 1990's.
During the 20th century, many noteworthy photographers were working for Uusi Suomi / Iltalehti. Among them were: Martti Brandt, Martti Halme, Arto Jousi, Kauko Kivi, Heikki Kotilainen, Eero Liesimaa, Ilpo Lukus, Markku Ojala, Seppo Saves, Jukka Uotila, Erkki Viitasalo.
90-year-old Mauri Vuorinen tells about his 40 years as press photographer on a video interview
Mauri Vuorinen tells about his colleagues in the 1950’s and 1960’s, how he shot the first ever press photo through a car window and what he thinks makes a good press photo.
Vuorinen worked as a press photographer for the newspaper Uusi Suomi 1957 – 1990 and after the newspaper went bankrupt, for the tabloid Iltalehti. He rocks in his chair at his summer place in Tampere and looks back to his years as a press photographer. He also discloses on a video interview (in Finnish) how a working day was made longer for an Independence Day reception at the Presidential palace in Helsinki.