Information sources
Links to the key databases, catalogues and indexes
Collection database
Find printed books and journals, and e-books acquired by the Finnish Heritage Agency Library in The Helka-database
Borrowing e-books requires you to log into the service in the Finnish Heritage Agency Library. A valid Helka library card is also required.
The Finnish Antiquarian Society
Digitised collections in The Fenno-Ugrica collection
Old books
Libri rari et cari : Museoviraston vanhan kirjallisuuden kokoelmaluettelo = Katalog över Museiverkets samling av gammal litteratur = Catalogue of the collection of antiquarian literature of the National Board of Antiquities / Johanna Lilja (1996)
Ontologies and thesauri
Open access eBooks
DOAB: directory of open access books
Getty publications virtual library