Materials related to the built environment
There is an abundance of archival material related to the built environment among administrative materials, research reports, and drawings. For example, the archives contain inventories and other research reports concerning buildings and the built cultural environment. In addition to documents created by our organisation, the archives also contain materials produced by other actors, such as building history studies. Most of the research reports on the built environment are in digital form, and most of them can be freely viewed in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service or the Finnish Heritage Agency’s Statements and Decisions service.
Research reports on the built environment can be found in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service, for example, at: Museovirasto – Kulttuuriympäristön tutkimukset, kansatieteen käsikirjoitukset ja muu aineisto – Ho Rakennetun ympäristön tutkimukset ja matkakertomukset.
The Finnish Heritage Agency's archives contain an abundance of special materials such as maps and drawings. The special materials are primarily related to archaeology and the built environment. The core of the drawings related to the built environment consists of the organisation's own draftsmen's measurement and documentation drawings. The archives contain many drawings of churches and rural buildings such as manors. The drawings were previously catalogued in the Index of drawings of the built environment, the updating of which ended in 2010, and it has been transferred to the MuseumPlus system. Some of the drawings mentioned in the catalog are no longer in the Finnish Heritage Agency's archives. For example, drawings and maps classified as collections have been transferred to the Finnish Heritage Agency's Picture Collections. The archive's special materials have also been catalogued by drawing box in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service: they can be found in the Finnish Heritage Agency's series I KARTAT JA PIIRUSTUKSET.
Archive indexes:
Finnish Heritage Agency’s Archive Service