Ethnological materials
The ethnological oral history materials, such as survey responses, are subject to a user permit for data protection reasons. The user permit application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the planned visit date. The customer orders the material to the researchers’ room through the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service and additionally fills out the user permit application. Arrangements for any copying or photographing of documents must be made separately with the staff.
The use of materials must comply with the regulations of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, the Copyright Act, the Data Protection Act, and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.
Survey materials
The core of the ethnological archival material consists of oral history materials produced and collected by our organisation from different parts of Finland. The focus has been on the material folk culture, especially in rural areas, later shifting to documenting recent and contemporary phenomena. The archives contain responses to ethnological surveys mainly from 1956 onwards. The survey responses are arranged by topic and, within each topic, by locality.
Topics of the Surveys
The topics of the surveys published in the Seurasaari magazine (1957–1974) and the Museoviraston kyselylehti magazine (1975–1996) can be explored through the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service. The survey forms have been digitised and can be found in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service at: Museovirasto – Kulttuuriympäristön tutkimukset, kansatieteen käsikirjoitukset ja muu aineisto – Hp Kansatieteen käsikirjoitukset, kyselylehdet ja muut aineistot – Hpf Kansatieteen kyselylehdet.
For data protection reasons, the responses to the ethnological surveys have not been digitised. The responses and other materials related to the collection of oral history materials have been catalogued at the archival unit level in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service (Muinaistieteellisen toimikunnan sarja Hh Kansatieteen osaston/toimiston aineisto).
Ethnological manuscripts and other materials
The ethnological manuscripts contain, for example, fieldwork materials, collections by student nations, ethnological theses, responses to individual surveys conducted between 1900–1945, materials concerning Finno-Ugric peoples, and fieldwork materials related to working-class culture.
A publication-format catalog of the ethnological manuscript materials was produced in 1959, containing information on manuscripts received before 1957 (Ethnological Manuscripts and Other Materials in Numerical Order). Materials received after this have been grouped as follows:
• Local tours, official trips, and memoirs by municipality
• Provincial and nationwide collections by actor
• Collections of Finno-Ugric peoples by actor
• Theses by author
The abovementioned ethnological materials can be found in the Finnish Heritage Agency's Archive Service at: Museovirasto – Kulttuuriympäristön tutkimukset, kansatieteen käsikirjoitukset ja muu aineisto – Hp Kansatieteen käsikirjoitukset, kyselylehdet ja muut aineistot.
Archive indices:
Finnish Heritage Agency Archive Service