The Wiki Loves Living Heritage photo contest invites everyone to join and document living heritage
The Wiki Loves Living Heritage photo contest, which is being organised as part of the living heritage theme year, will begin on Europe Day on 9 May and end during the European Heritage Days’ event week on 10 September 2023.
The photo contest is part of the global “Wiki Loves Living Heritage” campaign, which celebrates the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s convention for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Finland is also celebrating its 10th anniversary as a member state of the convention. The campaign is part of the living heritage theme year, as well as the European Heritage Days’ theme of Living Heritage. The aim is to inspire as large a group of people as possible to join the campaign and to make living and local cultural heritage visible and known.
In Finland, the photo contest is being organised by the Finnish Heritage Agency and Wikimedia Suomi in cooperation with the European Heritage Days and the Finnish Local Heritage Federation. The photo contest focuses on the documentation of living cultural heritage and is now being organised for the first time. It was inspired by the Wiki Loves Monuments contest, which Finland also participated in.
You can take part in the contest with photos relating to living, intangible cultural heritage. Living heritage encompasses practices, information and skills which have been passed down from one generation to another and which remain valuable and in use. These include, for example, different celebrations, performing arts, handicrafts, oral traditions, nature-related know-how, games and food traditions. Of particular interest is the nurturing of living heritage: how we practice traditions and pass them onward.
In Finland, the Living Heritage wiki already lists 240 traditions, of which 64 have been named in the national list. Finnish traditions in UNESCO’s lists include Finnish sauna culture, Kaustinen fiddle playing and the Nordic clinker-built boat tradition.
How to participate – use hashtag #EläväPerintö
The competition is open to images uploaded to the campaign on Wikimedia Commons between 9 May and 10 September 2023. They will be freely available to everyone on the wiki. The competition is open to images for which the photographer or organisation has the rights. The competition is open to all those who wish to capture images of sites on the National Inventory of Living Heritage or any other living heritage.
You can also post the photo on social media with the hashtags #EläväPerintö #Kulttuuriympäristöpäivät #WikiLovesLivingHeritage #WeAreLivingHeritage. More detailed instructions can be found online.
Gift cards will be awarded for the best photos in the Finnish contest. The best of the Finnish candidates focusing on the nurturing of living heritage will take part in the European photo contest, the results of which will be announced in October 2023.
Workshop online
The Finnish Heritage Agency and Wikimedia Finland are organising an online workshop on 22 May at 14:00 to discuss the storage of images in Wikimedia Commons and the wider use of images in communication. Welcome!
Kuvat Wikimedia Commonsista tulleiden kilpailukuvien joukosta.
Käpylehmät – Äänekoski KN
Avannolle – Sonja Lahtinen
Letunpaisto ulkonuotiolla - Seijatii
Ritvalan Helkajuhlat - Kaisu Mokkila
Keskiaikaisia käsitöitä - Koivisto
Joulupukki Käpylässä – Tintti Karppinen