Services of the Finnish Heritage Agency during the summer
In accordance with the guidelines of the Government 4.5.2020, services of the Finnish Heritage Agency will be opened gradually from 1.6.2020. During this state of emergency, we will comply with the Government’s decisions and instructions, as well as official instructions and recommendations, in organising our operations. You can reach us also as usual by e-mail, telephone and mail and on the Internet.
Please contact us, we would be happy to help you!
Record Office of the Finnish Heritage Agency
- The customer service of the Record Office can be reached Mon-Fri 9 am–3 pm kirjaamo@museovirasto.fi, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6080
- If necessary, documents can be delivered to the control room at Sturenkatu 2a, 00510 Helsinki, on weekdays 8 am–4:15 pm.
- We strongly recommend that documents be delivered to the Record Office electronically.
Agency contact information and accessibility
- Contact information for the Finnish Heritage Agency
- Our personnel can be reached by e-mail and telephone.
- We will attend conferences and meetings using telecommunication applications, with Microsoft Teams being the most recommendable tool. Other common applications are also possible.
- Media contact persons:
- The Finnish Heritage Agency: Anna Lantee, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6258, anna.lantee@kansallismuseo.fi
- The National Museum of Finland: Sanna Paakkanen, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6200, sanna.paakkanen@kansallismuseo.fi
Library, Archives, Archaeological Collections and Picture Collections
The services of the Picture Collections, Library, Archives and Archaeological Collections will gradually re-open from June 2, 2020. Material request forms will be available on the website from May 18, 2020. A limited number of research work spaces will be available for customers. Follow the guidance on hygiene and social distancing in all activities to protect yourself and others from coronavirus (COVID-19). There may be temporary delays and limitations in the services. Customer service is closed in July.
- Inquiries related to the Library: kirjasto@museovirasto.fi
- Inquiries related to the Archives: arkisto@museovirasto.fi
- Inquiries related to the Archaeological Collections: ark.kokoelmat@museovirasto.fi
- Inquiries related to the Picture Collections: kuvakokoelmat@museovirasto.fi
Archaeological Field Services
We will carry out small-scale archaeological field work related to construction and land use projects where possible. Field work that requires a larger number of personnel will be carried out later, as soon as possible.
The Agency’s digital online materials
Materials of the Archives and Information Services department (in Finnish)
Data sets on the cultural environment and feedback on the sites in our registers:
- The Cultural Environment Service Window (in Finnish)
- Spatial data sets
- Statements and decisions by the Finnish Heritage Agency (in Finnish)
- Collections online
Materials of the Picture Collections:
- www.kuvakokoelmat.fi
- Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency on Flickr
- Digitised ethnographic and other films of the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency on YouTube
Cultural Environment Services
- We will process official matters, such as requests for statements and permit decisions, as usual and reply to inquiries.
- Matters related to the distribution of grants and payments will be processed as usual.
- We will participate in restoration projects and visits to worksites according to the needs of each project and the practices of the parties concerned, taking the policies and decisions of the Government into account.
- We have reduced our other travelling related to our work with the cultural environment to a minimum.
Museum Sector Development unit
- Negotiations under the Museums Act will continue through teleconferences.
- Matters related to the distribution of grants and payments will be processed as usual.
The National Museum of Finland
Museums of the The National Museum of Finland open as follows:
- 1.6. National Museum, Helsinki
- 1.6. Häme Castle, Hämeenlinna
- 1.6. The Prison, Hämeenlinna
- 1.6. Olavinlinna Castle, Savonlinna
- 1.6. Langinkoski, Kotka
- 2.6. The Maritime Museum of Finland and Icebraker Tarmo, The Maritime Centre, Kotka
- 3.6. Tamminiemi, Helsinki
- 3.6. Hvitträsk, Kirkkonummi
- 15.6. Seurasaari Open-Air Museum, Helsinki
- 16.6. Louhisaari Manor, Masku
More information due to the unusual circumstances can be found from each museums website. To insure a safe visit to all our visitors, there can be temporary limitations in the amount of visitors to avoid overgrowding. There can also be special arrangements concerning guided tours.
Museums and programme
- Changes to the schedules of the temporary exhibitions scheduled for 2020 will be announced via various channels, primarily on the National Museum website at www.kansallismuseo.fi/en
- Public programme and events will start step by step in accordance with the limitations of the number of visitors. More information will be found on each museums own channels.
Other services
- Requests to loan items are accepted, but the delivery times can be longer than usual.
- Visits by researchers to the The Collections and Conservation Centre 1.6.-31.8.: all visits will be negotiated case-by-case.
- Export permits will be processed, but please prepare for a longer processing time than usual.
- The collection storage services and conservation services will operate as usual. New commissions will be negotiated case-by-case.
- Reservations for conference and banqueting services are accepted for the period after 31 May. Customer service operates as usual by telephone and e-mail. Conference and banqueting services of the National Museum of Finland
- The National Museum of Finland offers digital content via its website: www.kansallismuseo.fi/en/
- The collections of the National Museum of Finland can be accessed via the online services (Finna). The intendants and curators in charge of different collections will reply to any inquiries concerning collections.
- The Kysy museolta (‘Ask a museum’) service (in Finnish) operates as usual.
- The Finnish Mercantile Marine Database can be used, and pictures of items in various collections are available via the online services of the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency.
Updated 25 May 2020, 9 am