The Public and the Hidden Finland is the Museum Publication of 2018
The Public and the Hidden Finland, curated by the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency, won the Award for the Museum Publication 2018. The jury say that “the Public and the Hidden Finland is a first-rate, open-minded photographic book, which breaks conventions. Text and photo go hand in hand in the simple layout. The outcome is magnificent: the photos, the texts and the layout work together and the book reaches wider audience because of the texts in Finnish, Swedish and English. Being easy-to-read and dealing with a wide range of subjects in Finnish history, the book might interest many readers”. The Public and the Hidden Finland shows the photographs of an exhibition with the same name in the National Museum of Finland last year. The book and the exhibition were curated by the intendants of the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency, Inkamaija Iitiä, Hannu Häkkinen and Jaana Onatsu. The winner was revealed at the Finnish Museum Days in Vaasa on May 24.
The Public and the Hidden Finland is in three languages (Finnish, Swedish and English). The book can be bought at 15 € at the museum shop of the National Museum. When ordered by post packing costs and postages are added to the price. Read more.