General notification: consultation on the Hague inventory target list
On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Heritage Agency has drawn up an inventory of cultural property in accordance with the Hague Convention (Treaty Series 93/1994) and its protocols. The Finnish Heritage Agency will organise a public consultation on the list from 27 September to 8 November 2023.
The consultation will be open in particular to owners of the sites, in accordance with Article 34 of the Administrative Act, but also to other interested parties who wish to express their views on the list of sites.
In total, 480 sites are listed, of which 132 are antiquities, 247 are built environment sites and 101 are movable objects such as museum collections, libraries and archives. The list can be applied both in civil and military emergency preparedness planning and in normal risk management. Under the Rescue Act (379/2011) and the Rescue Services Decree (407/2011), buildings and sites containing collections on the list must have an emergency plan.
After consultation and any resulting measures, the list is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture for approval.
The consultation period is from 27 September to 8 November 2023, during which time the documents will be available for consultation on the Hague consultation (kyppi.fi, only in Finnish and Swedish)
Contributions are invited at the Hague consultation (kyppi.fi, only in Finnish and Swedish). Contributions can also be sent to The Finnish Heritage Agency, The Hague Catalogue, P.O. Box 913, 00101 Helsinki or kirjaamo@museovirasto.fi.
This notice was published on the website of The Finnish Heritage Agency on 27 September 2023. The notification is considered to have been effected on the seventh day after the publication.
Further information: haag@museovirasto.fi
Helsinki, 27.9.2023