The CultureLabs project promotes participation
CultureLabs is a three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, involving nine organisations from six European countries. The units responsible for the project at the Finnish Heritage Agency are the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency and the Museum Sector Development Unit.
The project develops innovative methods, digital solutions and tools for participatory cultural heritage work. The open CultureLabs online platform being developed in the project will offer a diverse range of material and support for implementing projects based on participation and cooperation. The goal is to promote different types of cooperation and social innovation in cultural heritage work.
A connection to cultural heritage promotes a feeling of social cohesion and well-being. The CultureLabs project focuses on the cultural heritage of people with different cultural backgrounds and their perspectives on culture and history. The project aims to reach immigrant communities whose cultural heritage is not represented in the work of cultural heritage institutions in Europe and Finland, and to offer them experiences and opportunities to create something new using cultural heritage materials.
The project is being carried out in collaboration with the cultural heritage sector, other sectors and industry actors and immigrant communities. The project will carry out need and experience surveys with different interest and target groups, which will steer the planning of the recipes for the participatory methods to be developed and tested during the project. The project’s key operating methods include co-creation methods, which are utilised particularly in the pilots being carried out in Finland, Italy and the United Kingdom. The project’s deliverables will be compiled on the CultureLabs online platform.
The party responsible for the pilot organised in Finland is the Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency. The pilot will make extensive use of existing picture materials, in addition to which participants will produce new picture material to add to Finland’s national collections. The pilot will examine the meaning of and change in cultural heritage, with the aim of increasing the diverse cultural heritage awareness of Finns and communities with different cultural backgrounds living in Finland.
Project duration: 1.4.2018 - 31.3.2021
Contact information:
Ismo Malinen: ismo.malinen@museovirasto.fi
Pirjo Hamari: pirjo.hamari@museovirasto.fi
Inkamaija Iitiä: inkamaija.iitia@museovirasto.fi
Project website: https://culture-labs.eu
The project’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CultureLabsRecipes
The project participants:
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece – The Lead Partner
The Finnish Heritage Agency, Finland
Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
People’s History Museum, United Kingdom
COOSS Marche ONLUS scpa, Italy
European Forum for Migration Studies, Germany
Platoniq, Spain
Fondazione Sistema Toscana, Italy
Singular Logic, Greece
EU’s Horizon 2020
The total budget: 2 492 380 €