Reporting channel for misconducts
By using the reporting channel, Finnish Heritage Agency employees, stakeholders and partners can safely report suspected misconduct.
We are committed to acting responsibly in all situations and follow strict internal control and operating principles. However, if you notice any shortcomings in our activities, we encourage you to let us know. You do not need concrete evidence at the reporting stage. It is enough that you have reasonable grounds to believe that your suspicion is true.
Reports are kept confidential
We process all reports in accordance with the principles of good governance, confidentiality and good data protection practices. We do not disclose the reporting person’s personal data to the subject of the misconduct report or to persons outside the investigation. Reports are received and investigated at the Finnish Heritage Agency by a small, designated group.
In accordance with the Whistleblower Act (1171/2022) (available in Finnish and in Swedish), a whistleblower receives protection when misconduct has been detected in connection with work and when a report concerns functions such as public procurement, data protection or awarding of discretionary government grants.
The Whistleblower Act prohibits retaliation against the whistleblower. For example, an employer cannot weaken a whistleblower’s terms of employment, terminate their employment relationship or lay them off as a result of a report.
Other types of misconduct reports are investigated in accordance with other applicable laws and the principles of good governance, with the best possible means of protecting the person submitting the report.
How to submit a misconduct report
Before submitting a report, read the instructions below for doing so. If you are a current employee of the Finnish Heritage Agency, see the separate instructions on the FHA intranet.
The instructions describe in more detail how to submit a report, how the Finnish Heritage Agency processes and investigates it, how the Finnish Heritage Agency communicates with the person submitting the report and what happens after the investigation. Also familiarise yourself with the legislation affecting the processing of reports and the protection of persons submitting reports (available in Finnish and Swedish).
How to submit a misconduct report (pdf)
Always submit your report primarily by email at ilmoittajansuojelu@museovirasto.fi.
However, if you have a justified reason to believe that a report submitted to the Finnish Heritage Agency has not resulted in measures within the time limit, or that the infringement cannot be effectively addressed, or if you feel that you may be subjected to retaliation as a result of the report, you can submit a whistleblowing report under the Whistleblower Act to the centralised reporting channel of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice.
Other contacts and feedback
Other submissions than misconduct reports, such as customer feedback, requests for administrative review, development proposals and so on, should be submitted to their respective channels.
Customer feedback on the Finnish Heritage Agency’s services or the actions of its personnel should be sent via feedback form.
Requests for information on Finnish Heritage Agency documents under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities or the General Data Protection Regulation are addressed to the registry kirjaamo@museovirasto.fi.
More information on whistleblowing can be found for example on the Office of the Chancellor of Justice website.
Ongelmia sähköpostiyhteydessä
Museoviraston väärinkäytösilmoitusten sähköposti ilmoittajansuojelu@museovirasto.fi ei ole toiminut oikein. Vika on nyt korjattu.
Jos on lähettänyt tai yrittänyt lähettää väärinkäytösilmoituksen tai muun yhteydenoton ilmoittajansuojelu@museovirasto.fi-osoitteen kautta aikavälillä 29.3.2023 – 19.3.2024, tulisi kyseinen ilmoitus tai yhteydenotto lähettää uudestaan samaan osoitteeseen, mikäli asia on edelleen ajankohtainen.